
We're having a...

Our families got together for dinner and after dinner we announced the sex of our baby.  We made magic play doh that turned either blue or pink, so we gave each family member a ball and they had to squish it around to reveal the sex.

Here's the actual reveal:

It's a girl!  We made all the balls blue and one "pink" (okay it was more red because I am cheap and didn't want to buy a separate box of food coloring just for the pink), so every one had blue and thought it was a boy... until James rolled out the lucky ball showing he was the only one with "pink".
Yeah... that looks like a bloody ball haha.
So there you have it!  And we're excited (even though Robert wanted a boy, but I think he secretly wants a girl even more ;)).  Now onto the hard part... picking out a name we agree on.


  1. I totally guessed it! and so did that creepy ring test! Congratulations!! What will you name her?

    1. Ha I dunno about the ring thing... it was kind of confused about me at first. And Robert and I haven't come up with names yet, but we have narrowed it down to 4 (2 that we definitely agree on, 1 that only I like but he'll think about it, and 1 that only he likes but I'll think about).
