
Random Facts #3

  • It's going to be in the 50's this week!!!  I know, that's not very high, but boy is it gonna feel warm compared to what we've had to deal with the past couple of months.  I just want it to be warm already!
  • You burn more calories sleeping than watching TV.  That's weird to me.  Aren't you lounging around for both?
  • A car that shifts manually gets 2 miles more per gallon than a car that shifts automatically.  I better learn how to drive a stick shift... I guess.  Eh, maybe not.
  • I don't know why, but the Taylor Swift "I Knew You Were Trouble" with the goats is just funny.
  • Gandolfo's mayonnaise is the best.
And the funny for the day:
I laughed forever when I saw this.  Maybe I was in a weird mood.  Maybe I'm just weird.  But I think it's hilarious.


V-Day Part 2

A craft my mother-in-law mostly made for me (I only chose the lettering and put the flower together ha). 
 It's been a long weekend with President's Day yesterday.  As promised, an update on the rest of my Valentine's celebration.  After school and work on Friday, Robert and I went out and ate at Ruby River.  He was really craving a bloomin' onion.
Gettin' full.  His steak was huge!
 After our yummy dinner, we went and watched Safe Haven.  Loved it.  It wasn't too chick flicky like the other Nicholas Sparks movies.  It wasn't just full of romance, but it was suspenseful too.  And the ending had a surprising twist that I didn't see coming.  Now I want to read the book.
Before the moobie.


V-Day Part 1

Our Valentine's Day started on Thursday, but will continue today because of how it happened to be on a school night.  So before Valentine's Day, I was trying to figure out what to do/get for Robert.  Of course I turn to Pinterest to answer all my questions, but I couldn't really find much.  I did find cinnamon roll hearts, and I knew that Robert loved his mom's cinnamon rolls, so I figured I'd ask her for her recipe.  Except I wasn't sure if she made hers from scratch or bought the dough somewhere.  I texted her and asked her, then proceeded to tell her about my surprise.  She just told me she would make them for me.  Luckily, Robert has class at 8 in the morning on Thursdays, so I told her she could come at around 8.  That way they'd be baked and ready for Robert to eat right when he got home.

Thursday morning came.  I kept trying to get Robert out of bed (without seeming obvious) by saying things like: "You gonna go to class today?" (he sometimes skips that class) and "Okay, you need to get up and get ready for class!  You're gonna be late!"  As I'm getting ready for the day, Robert says, "Yay!  I got an email from the professor last night and he cancelled class for Valentine's Day!"  Are you kidding me?  That was what I thought when he shared this "exciting" news.  Well, my surprise was ruined.  My mother-in-law showed up at around 8:30 and we made the pink frosting while the rolls finished rising.  Robert knew we were having cinnamon rolls.  He says he was still surprised, but in my mind it was a ruined surprise.  The cinnamon rolls turned out great though!
After going to one of my classes, I went to work.  To my knowledge, Robert was taking a test for one of his classes, so I was really surprised when he showed up with flowers and Reese's!
He ended up just running errands instead of taking his test.  He decided to take his test today instead.  After work/class, I came home to this:
Hm... I wonder where that leads to?  Haha jk.
Robert ordered food from Saigon (he got me pho cuz he knows I love pho!) and we ate our dinner while watching Whitney.  Then we did homework.  What an eventful night.  We watched a movie after our homework too, but went to bed right after since we had an 8 a.m. class this morning.
 Yeah... don't remember why I took this picture.

Funny story before I end part one of our Valentine's Day.  See all the balloons in the above pictures?
During the night they started losing their helium and in the middle of the night I hear/feel Robert swatting at something.  There were a few of balloons falling down on us as we slept, and the ribbon on one of the balloons was tickling his face. He was swatting at the ribbon first, but the balloon eventually got low enough that he swatted it away.  It doesn't sound that funny as I write it, but it was at 3 in the morning haha.  Maybe you just had to be there.

Stay tuned for V-Day Part 2!


Blog Makeover

I was getting tired of my old layout, so I decided to play with my blog and change it up a bit.  I am still working on some things, but so far it's looking alright.  My layout does look different on a laptop than it does on a desktop (or maybe it's just this Mac laptop?) so it's a little hard seeing what it looks like in its entirety.  And my custom fonts aren't working like they're supposed to, so I will have to tinker with that a little more.

Tomorrow is Valentime's day (yes, the "m" was intentional... I hear many people say it like that, so I was just joining in!), but Robert and I will be postponing our festivities till Friday.  It's a school night and Robert and I both have 8 a.m. class the next day, so we figured we'd just celebrate Valentine's day on Friday instead.  He won't tell me what we're doing (surprise), but I am thinking we might go and see Safe Haven (we both talked about wanting to see it... so maybe?).  But I am going to surprise him since he always surprises me.  And he doesn't even know it.  Ha!  Unless he reads this blog post... but at least there aren't any details.  I will keep you posted in the near future.

What else has been happening?  Well, midterms.  Midterms.  And more midterms.  I have had a test like every week.  Seriously.  But I will have two this week.  I have already gotten one out of the way though.  Other than school, Robert and I have gotten into Sherlock.  It is such a good TV show!  It's broadcasted on the BBC (we just watched it on Netflix) and it's the best Sherlock series ever!  I like it better than the movies with Robert Downey, Jr. and from what I've seen of Elementary (the American version of Sherlock Holmes), it's better than that too.  We finished all the seasons (there are only 3 of them, and they have 3 hour-and-a-half long episodes per season), so now we're just waiting for season 4 to come out in the fall.  It's gonna be a long summer.  Haha jk.  Kinda.


"We are [Children] of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love Him."

Some of you may have seen my Instagram 5 things about me photo.  As I mentioned on my #4, I don't like bearing my testimony because I always cry, and that I have never been able to get through a testimony without crying my whole life (unless I'm reading it word for word on a talk at the very end haha).  Yesterday I wanted to say a few things, but didn't feel like crying.  I also get very self conscious whenever I'm in front of a crowd, so I always want to get off the stage as soon as possible. That makes it so that I wouldn't say all I would want to say.  I figured I could just bear my testimony through my blog.

This past month has been crazy.  But I have learned so much from all that's been going on in my life.  (Oh man... I'm already starting to cry!  And I'm only typing my testimony and not even saying it haha.  Oh boy.)  The first thing I have learned is how much happier you'll be by forgiving others.  For some it may not be easy, but it is worth not having to feel pain and anger all the time.  Along with that I have learned of Heavenly Father's and Christ's love for us.  I didn't really understand it before until recently.  I have never loved anyone with a pure love of Christ, but now I have.  I have felt, to a certain degree, what Christ must feel like whenever we sin and how sad he is.  And yet with outstretched arms, He still beckons us to come unto Him.  That is what the Atonement is for.  He made it possible for us to repent and to be made whole again.  Our Heavenly Father and Savior both love us unconditionally!

I write these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.