
Birthday Weekend for Pops-In-Law

This weekend James and Stacey, and Emmali came down from Idaho to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday on Sunday.  It was more of a birth-weekend than a birthday.  After school and work, Robert and I ran to a couple of stores for my Housing and Interiors class before going to his parent's house for lasagna.  For some reason I am having a hard time remembering what else we did on Friday.  All I remember is that it was a late night so Robert and I slept over.  And if I am remembering correctly, we may have celebrated some of the birthday with presents.  Possibly milkshakes as well.  Robert had work early in the morning on Saturday, so he left for that while I slept in.  We had yummy breakfast casserole, which I brought some to Robert while he was at work so he wouldn't starve.  Soon after that we all headed over to the BYU rugby game against New York (the semi-pro finalists from last year... or something like that).  It was an intense game!  Last week's game against USU was boring cuz BYU just creamed them.  No competition.  But the game against New York was insane!  It was super physical, and there were a lot of hard hits.  It looked like one guy on the BYU team got a concussion because he was wobbling off the field (they ended up carrying him off cuz he just couldn't walk himself, even with support from two other guys).  Another BYU guy smacked into a guy on the opposing team, plus a guy on his own team, and he just lay on the field not moving a muscle.  He laid there for like 15 minutes without moving at all until they called an ambulance.  That game was definitely one of the better rugby games I've been to.  Speaking of the rugby game... there was a lady there with really bright yellow hair with orange streaks in it.  I just had to take a picture, but I am going to blur her face out just in case... In the picture she's like glaring at me (or at someone near me).  But... I'm too scared to post it haha.  I uploaded it and everything, but I'm too scared I'll get in trouble or something so I deleted it.
After the rugby game I went to the store Pebbles in My Pocket (a craft store) with my mother-in-law and Emmali.  We wanted to do some cute spring/Easter crafts because my mother-in-law had shown us some cute wood block crafts online earlier that day.  While we did that, the guys went to Kranky Franks in Springville to buy us some lunch (they were raising money for a good cause).  We didn't do our crafts till later because everyone was just drained, so it was nap time!
 Here are my cute bunny and chick
From left to right: Emmali's bunny & chick, Stacey's, moms, and mine
It took like 2 hours to work on those haha.  But it was fun.  It was another late night that night.  Emmali, Robert and I watched "Liar, Liar" till midnight when we went to bed.

Sunday Robert and I went to church (and had a hard time getting up... I hate Daylight Savings in the spring.  Who wants to lose an hour of sleep?) and then came back to Springville afterward for the "real" birthday dinner: chuck roast and funeral potatoes.  Two of my favorite foods!  The birthday cake and ice cream came soon after dinner.  James, Stacey and Emmali went back up to Idaho after the cake and ice cream, and Robert worked on our taxes while I watched him.  Yeah.  Let's just say it was an unpleasant experience.  We were both excited to be earning some money back from the government, but no.  Apparently the government wants to steal more money from us.  Seriously?  Taxes.  Psh.

This morning I slept through all (like 5 alarms with mine and Robert's combined) our alarms.  I had a super hard time getting up (worse than Sunday).  Yay for Daylight Savings.

1 comment :

  1. SERIOUSLY. We thought we'd be getting a tax return too... but NOOOOO. So lame.
