I think I have it. Except I don't know the reasoning behind it. Wikipedia (I know, reliable source ha) says that the reason people have this is because they have a "persistent, intense, chronic fear of being judged by others and of being embarrassed or humiliated by one's own actions". I'm not too afraid about being judged by others, but I guess I do get embarrassed or humiliated in front of others super easily. And I have no clue why. I can be goofy in front of others, but once I become aware that everyone is staring at me, I get all shy. I don't care if I make a fool of myself in front of others, so I don't know why I get that way. So I continued reading and saw what the physical symptoms are:
- Excessive blushing. Check.
- Sweating. Check.
- Trembling. Sometimes.
- Palpitations. Check.
- Nausea. Double check.
- Stammering may be present, along with rapid speech. Check.
Yup. I have social anxiety disorder. That would explain my excessive blushing that people like to point out.
Thank you, yes, I know. I can feel my face blushing. And them pointing it out makes me turn even more red. This especially happens when I answer questions in class. In my mind, I have no reason to be embarrassed, so I don't know why I get embarrassed. "Brandi, why are you blushing?" I have no clue.
This week is the week of class presentations. I did one yesterday, and I have one today. How did yesterday's go? Terrible. If I have something I can read off of, I don't mind because then I am looking down at a paper reading the words (and occasionally looking up, but only to glance at the audience--not enough to scare me to death). No matter how rehearsed I am, every time I get up to give a presentation, my mind gets all jumbled and my words come out stuttered and making no sense. And I don't like being in the spotlight and having all eyes on me, so I try to spill everything out so I can hurry and sit down. My presentation was the shortest one in the class. So, I am anxious for today's presentation. Actually, it's more of a lesson. Great. I am supposed to give a presentation for 30 minutes, but my teacher gave me the whole class time because we don't have any chapters to go over in the book. Great.