
What a Relief!

I have been having an ongoing debate about whether I wanted to continue with my Clinical Lab Science major, but I just wasn't feeling it.  At the same time, I had no clue what I wanted to do because nothing else sounded interesting either, so I decided to just stick with the major I originally picked.  Then came my MMBio 240 class.  On the 3rd day of class (Friday), I had no clue what the heck was going on in class, and I didn't want the rest of the semester, or the rest of my college career to be that way.  I took Intro to Microbiology last winter semester, and I didn't really understand anything in that class either, but I got an A- only because of all the homework assignments, which was answering questions from readings (and the answers were easy to find).  That should have been a red flag to look for another major, especially since the majority of the Clinical Lab Science major is taking MMBio classes.  This weekend I was in a bad mood and decided I needed to change my major.  I was thinking and thinking over the entire weekend about what I could change to, while getting input from Robert.  The last time when I almost decided to change, but didn't, I had this discussion with Robert also, and he told me he thought I would be good at interior design.  I shrugged it off, thinking I wouldn't be good at it and wasn't sure how I felt about it, and just decided to stick Clinical Lab Science out (till now).  Over the weekend, he gave me more options, interior design being the first one again.  He also said I would be a good family lawyer or something of the sort, but that isn't something that interests me.  He thinks I'd be a good accountant, but that is something I have no interest in either.  Interior design stuck out to me, and I thought about it a lot, especially last night, and I don't know, but I felt happy and good about it.  This morning I looked up interior design as a major, but unfortunately BYU doesn't have it as a major.  But, there is another route I can take.  I googled BYU interior design major and found that they have elective classes under the Family Life major, which I would need to take as part of the major.  So I have decided I am going to be a Family Life major and specialize in interior design later on when I have to intern and such.  But I want to take the class first to make sure I really do enjoy it before I go off switching my major.  Anyways, I am excited and feel like that will be good for me.  I dropped the MMBio class and replaced it with an interior design class, which I will start tomorrow.  Luckily it's not too late in the game, so I'm glad I switched when I did.

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