

There are just some interesting people on BYU campus (as well as other places), and I've just had the urge to make a blog dedicated to the people I see (along with pictures).  But I feel like that would be mean, or I would get kicked out of BYU.  I told my boss about this (we were talking about the guy that came into our office with a paper moustache on), and she said "You don't have to say they're people from BYU, you could just generalize it."  But still, I have mixed feelings.  It's just interesting to see the things I've seen on BYU campus...
  • a guy wearing a green cape (countless times during my second semester here at BYU as a freshman)
  • a girl wearing a yellow cape (seen with the guy wearing a green cape)
  • a guy with a crocheted beard
  • a guy with a paper moustache
  • a guy dressed up as a pirate (I guess it was for "Talk Like a Pirate Day", but still...)
  • a girl wearing an interesting skirt
  • a girl with a bow in her hair that was bigger than her face
And those are the ones that come to my mind right now.  I'm sure I've seen more.  I see people take pictures of these people behind their backs sometimes.  Is it mean?  I don't know.  This reminds me of the People of Walmart website that shows a bunch of funny things people wear at Walmart (some you're thinking, "Why in the world are you wearing those?  They don't even fit!").  It makes for good entertainment, but I question whether it's mean or not.  We're not exactly making fun of the people themselves, just their attire... So where do you cross the line?


  1. Ha ha this is funny Brandi! I don't think it's being mean . .. you're just noticing differences, right?! Ha ha I have no idea.I just know that it is entertaining to people watch on campus.
