
Story #4

So far this year I have worked hard to achieve my exercise daily goal.  For as long as I can remember, I have had the worst cardio!  In 8th grade we had to run the mile in P.E.  Guess what my mile time was (cue the breath intake and astonished face)?  It was around 17 minutes.  My P.E. teacher asked me afterwards if I had asthma.  Nope.  Not to my knowledge.  At least I've never had any asthma attacks or anything to prove that I do.  I must have super weak lungs or something though haha.  Maybe I should get it checked out, but it hasn't caused me too much trouble minus getting short of breath way too easily.  Anyway... that's why I need to do some type of exercise to work my lungs out.  So far I've done pretty good at exercising daily since I've made my New Year's resolutions (minus Thursdays when I go to my parent's house [... which I can and still should exercise on Thursdays.  My parents have their own little gym in the basement, so there's no excuse for me not to exercise!] and the past couple of days when I've been sick).  I have definitely been starting out slow and just speed walking, but hopefully I can eventually turn that into a light jog, and then maybe run a mile under 17 minutes hahaha.

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