
Aria Milana Day

Just a week ago, our family grew from three to four.  Aria Milana Day was born October 18, 2016 at 4:03 p.m.  She weighed 6.8 lbs. and was 19 in. long.  We got to the hospital at around 8:30 in the morning for a scheduled induction.  No, there weren't any complications or anything (I got asked many times if anything was wrong).  My doctor gave me the option to induce and I decided to for many reasons:

1. He was going out of town for fall break on the 19th, and the last time I gave birth my doctor was out of town haha.
2. With Robert's crazy work and school schedule, I figured we could at least set a time we could expect to have this baby and not be too surprised.
3. I had heard inductions were extremely painful, so I held off on deciding to get induced, but when I asked my doctor, he said "Yes it is, unless you have an epidural," which I was planning on doing anyway.  So then I asked him when I could have an epidural if I got induced and he said whenever, so I decided to get induced.
4. I was just getting a little tired of being pregnant haha.

I will say that I think I will be getting induced for my future pregnancies haha.  I didn't have to feel any of my contractions (I asked for an epidural as soon as I could because I have really low pain tolerance, and I got it before they started me on pitocin).  It just took forever to get dilated... about 6 hours of just laying there in the hospital. Also, my epidural for some reason wasn't reaching this one spot on the left side of my pelvic area just above my left leg, so once contractions got crazy it got super painful in that one area.  So I take back what I said earlier about not feeling any of my contractions... I could feel it in that one spot.  But at least I didn't have to feel the full effects.  And the anesthesiologist came back and put another type of numbing agent into my catheter so that helped for a bit until it wore off.  Before I started pushing he came back and put some more in because it was too painful for me haha.  I seriously pushed for like 5 minutes and Aria was out.  It was a super quick delivery with no tears or cuts (which I was so surprised about... I thought for sure I would have to get cut).  So far it has been a much better recovery than when I gave birth to Myla.

Aria has been an good and easy baby so far. The first thing I noticed about her when she came out was a huge, deep dimple in her right cheek.  And we have since discovered that she has a dimple that isn't as deep in her left cheek.  So she has my dimples!  Myla has dimples too, but they aren't as deep and are closer to her mouth rather than out on her cheeks.  Aria could probably sleep all through the night, but since my milk has come in it's been too uncomfortable and painful to go without feedings (I know, I could pump, but it's just easier for me to feed it straight to her).

Myla loves holding her little sister and giving her kisses.

Aria on the quilt her nonna (my mother-in-law) made

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