This weekend we went down to St. George with Robert's family for the family's annual family trip. We found a nice vacation rental house from Airbnb and stayed there over the weekend. We also took a 15-passenger van (we named it Peni--story about it down below) down, so that we could fit everyone when we went places, instead of having to take a bunch of different cars. The weekend was filled with a trip to Zion's, swimming, sports, games, delicious meals and good company.
Peni helped us arrive safely in St. George. |
On the way to Zion's in Peni. |
In front of Peni just after a night out at Gun Barrel. |
Okay, here is how the name Peni came to be: We knew we were renting a 15-passenger van, but it wasn't that funny until we saw it parked in front of the house as we were loading up to get ready to leave. Poor Peni was the brunt of many jokes. Everyone made fun of her non-tinted windows and how everyone driving by could see us, the unfortunate passengers, in the big white bus. And we saw a few big white vans just like ours, but they all had tinted windows. Robert said, let's just stick a sign on the van that says "Utah State Penitentiary" because Peni (short for Penitentiary) looked like a transport vehicle. So we joked that we could all wear orange jumpsuits/shirts so people could see us in the not-even-tinted windows and think we were all inmates. Maybe it's one of those you-had-to-be-there stories, but it was pretty funny.
Myla riding the carousel with daddy. |
Myla playing with a rugby ball in her white pioneer hat haha. |
She was out cold after a day of being outside. |
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