Robert turned 24 this weekend! His birthday was Saturday, but we celebrated all weekend long, starting on Friday. On Friday we stopped by Scheel's to check it out. We didn't find Nemo, but we found Dory.
Also on Friday after Robert had work, we went golfing with his family. It was the first time I went real golfing (aka not mini golfing). Let's just say I will probably never do that again hahahaha.
But I am surprised at how sore I was the next day. Especially my abs. Probably from turning and swinging my body. I was probably doing it wrong haha.
The next day, Robert and I went to the store to pick him out some new socks for his present. We also found a dress shirt for $10! What a bargain! Later that evening, we had hamburgers, and then we headed over to the BYU-Utah game.
Emmali made him a birthday crown. |
Sad because BYU didn't play very good. |
Robert all tuckered out from a super long day. What a cute sleeper. Hehe. |
On Sunday we went to my family's house and had homemade pizzas. They were delish! We also went to my grandparent's house to play some games. Later that night when we went to pick up Robert's brother, Thomas, we had some cake and ice cream (we didn't get to eat it the night before because we had to hurry to get in line at the BYU game).
Robert leading us in the birthday song. |
Don't mind his blurry face... he went to blow the candles out too fast. |
After a weekend of play (and a little bit of homework), it's back to school :( I seriously can't wait to be done with the school thing. Only 3 more semesters to go (hopefully)!!!
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