
"We are [Children] of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love Him."

Some of you may have seen my Instagram 5 things about me photo.  As I mentioned on my #4, I don't like bearing my testimony because I always cry, and that I have never been able to get through a testimony without crying my whole life (unless I'm reading it word for word on a talk at the very end haha).  Yesterday I wanted to say a few things, but didn't feel like crying.  I also get very self conscious whenever I'm in front of a crowd, so I always want to get off the stage as soon as possible. That makes it so that I wouldn't say all I would want to say.  I figured I could just bear my testimony through my blog.

This past month has been crazy.  But I have learned so much from all that's been going on in my life.  (Oh man... I'm already starting to cry!  And I'm only typing my testimony and not even saying it haha.  Oh boy.)  The first thing I have learned is how much happier you'll be by forgiving others.  For some it may not be easy, but it is worth not having to feel pain and anger all the time.  Along with that I have learned of Heavenly Father's and Christ's love for us.  I didn't really understand it before until recently.  I have never loved anyone with a pure love of Christ, but now I have.  I have felt, to a certain degree, what Christ must feel like whenever we sin and how sad he is.  And yet with outstretched arms, He still beckons us to come unto Him.  That is what the Atonement is for.  He made it possible for us to repent and to be made whole again.  Our Heavenly Father and Savior both love us unconditionally!

I write these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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