This weekend was the annual Anderson family reunion in Beaver, and it was Myla's first time "camping"! Okay, this year Robert and I decided not to stay in a tent because we didn't know how Myla would do in a tent being 3 weeks old, and I wasn't sure how comfortable I'd be as I'm still recovering from giving birth. So technically we didn't camp, but we went up on the mountain both Friday and Saturday.
On the way up the mountain we were stopped by some cows. They sure took their time getting out of the road... |
Every year we have a theme to our reunions. For example, in the past we've had themes such as Harry Potter, Willy Wonka, Clue, Dr. Seuss, Survivor, etc. This year was the 20th family reunion, so the theme this year was a celebration of 20 years, and we looked back at past reunions and played games from past reunions and looked at videos/slideshows of past reunions. It was a nice weekend to just spend with family and take a break from... well, I guess I don't have anything to take a break from really, since I don't work anymore. I guess I got little breaks from being a mom while family members held Myla haha.
Taking family pictures. We put on mustaches as a joke... |
Yes, even Myla got a mustache. More like little pieces of mustache, since they were too big on her tiny face. |
I wish I took more pictures, but every time there was a picture to take, I left my phone in the car haha. Oh well.