I thought I might as well fill this thing out to pass the time and to document my pregnancy thus far.
How did you find out you were pregnant?
My period wasn't coming when it was supposed to, so I took a test and it was positive.
What kind of Pregnancy test did you take?
How many?
One haha. I was hoping it wasn't a false positive and that I didn't miss my period for another reason.
What were your 1st symptoms?
Missed period and sore boobs
Who did you tell first?
Who was with you when you found out?
I was in the bathroom and Robert was sleeping in the bedroom (I took the test early in the morning cuz the box said it's best to do it first thing in the morning).
My 1st reaction:
It was a mix of reactions. I was excited, nervous, and questioning if I really was pregnant.
Was your baby planned?
When was the baby conceived?
No clue... haha. I'm assuming sometime at the end of October or beginning of November?
How far were you when you found out?
I was around 4 weeks I think.
How did your parents react?
They were excited and shed a few tears. Haha.
My baby
Due Date:
July 21st ish. That was the initial due date, but after ultrasounds and check ups it's around the 23rd... so some time that week.
Do you know the sex?
We've narrowed it down to 4:
Myla (I really want this one, but Robert isn't too sold on it. I think it's kind of growing on him though...)
Chelsi (Robert really wants this one and I don't. I just put it on the list to make him happy.)
Any Ultrasounds?
I've had 2 so far--the first was during my 12 week appointment. The second was when we found the sex out at 20 weeks.
Have you heard the heart beat?
Yup, every appointment!
do you think it will look like?
I have no clue! She could look more like me, she could look more like Robert, she could look like both of us, or she could look like neither of us.
Will the baby have siblings?
Nope, she's the first child.
you felt the baby move?
All the time! I felt the first "flutter" at 15 weeks, but didn't feel anything for a couple of weeks after that. I started feeling lots of movement around 18 weeks. For the past couple of days (at 26 weeks) she's been super active. I'm wondering if it's because I can feel her more since she's getting bigger and stronger.
Did you have morning sickness?
Yuck. It started around Thanksgiving (I was really disappointed... I was looking forward to eating all that food...). I just felt nauseous all the time and food just never sounded good. I didn't really throw up, just only when I brushed my teeth, swished water in my mouth, or got too hot. There are still times when my tongue is sensitive to the toothbrush and I gag. Luckily my morning sickness was pretty much done around 15 weeks.
you have any cravings?
Not really... it wasn't until the second trimester when I started to crave sweets more. Before the pregnancy I would occasionally eat sweets, but wasn't too big on them. Now I feel like I need a huge dessert after every dinner.
Did you have any mood swings?
I've definitely felt the need to cry more haha. In my lifetime before the pregnancy, I only cried during like 2 movies. I've cried during like 4 movies and 1 TV show the past 6 months (and I've had to try and hold back tears many more times... those 5 times I cried were just unsuccessful attempts at holding back tears and telling myself that there was no reason to cry). And at the beginning of the second trimester I had a couple of times where I would just bawl for no reason.
Are you a high risk pregnancy?
My doctor didn't say anything about it so I'm assuming not.
Any complications?
Not so far. Hopefully I don't have any.
Formula or Breastfeeding?
I'm planning on breastfeeding, but I know a few women who can't breastfeed so I am going in knowing that it might be a possibility that I can't, so then I would use formula. But breast is best, so that would be my first choice. Even though I am scared to death of the pain and how foreign and strange it is to me (even though I know it's completely normal).
you bought anything for the baby yet?
I've bought a couple of things, but I still have like 3 months so I'm in no rush. I'll probably buy most of the stuff in like June.
When did you start to show?
Well, I was able to see a little pudge at like 16 weeks (no one else could tell though), but people started noticing my tiny bump at around 24 weeks.
How long could you wear your
regular clothes?
Still wearing them... except for my garments bottoms and pants. I have to use a rubber band or a maternity band for my pants, but other than that I've luckily been able to wear my same clothes.
Will you keep the baby’s clothes?
Yeah I'll probably store them somewhere in case I need to reuse them for future kids.
Home or Hospital?
The hospital. No way I could just do it at home.
or Medicated birth?
Medicated for sure. I have a low pain tolerance :)
will be in the delivery room with you?
Robert. And the doctors and nurses of course.
Do you think you will
need a C-section?
I originally wanted a C-section because I was too scared I wouldn't be able to push something out of my small body and that it would hurt vaginally, but after watching a C-section, I am hoping I don't need a C-section haha.
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the 1st
Well, if my hormones are still crazy like they have been who knows. I probably wouldn't under normal circumstances (I'd just be super crazy happy), but I have no clue how long it takes for hormones to get back to normal. Guess we'll find out haha.
What’s the 1st thing you might say to the baby?
Hm haven't thought about that. Probably "hi" haha.
Will you let anyone video tape the birth?
Um no thank you.
Are you excited?
Yes! Also nervous, but excited for the most part.
will help you with the baby after the birth?
Robert of course. And I'm sure a lot of family members will haha. There are plenty of people who are eager to help me ;)
is your favorite thing about being pregnant?
Feeling movement for sure. But there are times when it starts to get uncomfortable as the movements are getting stronger.
Not getting my period is a close second.
What is the worst thing about being pregnant?
The first trimester morning sickness period.
What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant?
Hm good question... I guess just not having to worry about what I'm eating and having it affect the baby. I was pretty good about it at the beginning of my pregnancy but I'm starting to eat a bunch of junk. Oops.
Any days you wish you were not pregnant?
During the first trimester I thought that a couple of times, but now I don't think that. I'm sure once I get into the third trimester I'll start wishing the baby would hurry and come out.
Are you ready for a baby?
I don't think anyone can be fully ready for a baby.
Do you have insurance?
How many kids do you want?
you talk to the baby?
Sometimes, but it seems kinda weird talking to my belly.
Do you still feel attractive?
Um depends on the day haha.
Have you had your baby shower yet?
Nope, but my sisters are planning one for June.
Do you like kids?
Depends on the kid ha. But for the most part they're not too bad.
How far along are you now?
26 weeks. A week and a half until the start of the 3rd trimester! Crazy!