
Photoshop Fun

So a few weeks ago I learned how to use the masking tool on Photoshop (thanks Google!) so I've been practicing.  I got this idea from my boss because she makes birthday posters for people in the office and she uses the masking tool.  How is this tool useful?  No clue.  But it's fun haha.
Me with Ginnifer's hair.  Interesting.

Me with Halle's hair.  Maybe when I'm a hip 50-year-old I can use this hair ha.

Mila's hair... looks strange on me.

Miley's hair.  Eh. 

Sofia's hair.  Looks super weird.
I was gonna find other hair styles but I didn't have time.  Maybe next time.



Finals are over!  Now I get a nice long break before fall semester.  Well, I'll have work all day but at least I don't have to come home to homework right?



That's "throw back Thursday" for those of you non-Instagrammers.  I was walking down memory lane through my Facebook pictures and found some of these beauties.
Back when I was a black goddess.  JK.  But seriously, when is summer coming?

Back when we did chin videos to entertain ourselves.

Waaaaay back to when we had ugly matching dresses.  Silver.  Felt.  Silver felt.

Bahaha this still makes me laugh.  So ug.

Back to the wedding day.

Haha this was funny too.  Our poster for "Woman in Black".
Good times.  Good times.  I love just looking back and remembering, whether it's through pictures or just rereading my journals.  Not that I dwell in the past.  It's just fun.


#LDSconf Weekend

Conference weekend was really good. It was super uplifting and there were things I needed to hear.  I also got to spend time with family, which I always love!  I haven't been to my grandparent's house for a while, so I went on Saturday while the men were away at the Priesthood session.  I learned two new card games: Tricks (Trix?) and Hand-and-Foot.  I also ate a delicious breakfast at Robert's family's house and got to try this new coconut syrup that Emmali and her roommates keep telling us about.  It was as good as they claimed!
Watching Saturday morning session at Robert's work (he works all by his lonesome on Saturdays)
Robert in his lil' cubicle

Singing the closing song
The lighting on my phone was terrible... Prez. Monson doesn't have a face!

Messy hurr.  Don't curr.
Robert died.  Hehe we do that a lot.


Here Comes Conference Weekend

Here I am, sitting at Robert's work.  He works all by his lonesome every Saturday, and since we would be in Springville today anyway, I decided to come with him to keep him company.  I thought I might as well write something... or go to sleep.  Except I need a bed.  I am super tired.  I woke up this morning super tired so I think I will need to take a nap some time today.  And why am I so tired, you ask?  (Okay, maybe you didn't and you don't care, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.)  Because late last night I showed Robert this funny video of an older couple trying to work their webcam, but they end up recording themselves the entire time.  The old guy is super funny haha.  What a goof.  I can picture Robert being like that when he's that old... just being silly.

This weekend is conference weekend!  We get to hear from our prophets.  Hope you all have a good conference weekend!